Rahvaalgatus.ee in numbers

Presentation - An overview of user statistics after two operational years of Rahvaalgatus.ee

Rahvaalgatus.ee - yet another e-platform for citizen engagement?
Citizen initiatives renewing public services in Estonia, OGP webinar

Comments: 1

Hi! As part of a research project for my Master's Thesis at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, my research partner Maha Malik and I are currently looking into the topic of how innovative technology can be used to enhance and foster participatory democracy. We've been reading about Rahvaalgatus.ee as one of the prime examples across the globe for engaging citizens in the democratic process. Since you have been championing some of the work we are researching, we would love to talk to you and learn more about the process as well as results thus far.

We would very much appreciate the opportunity to connect with you as soon as possible and look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you so much in advance and all the best,

(Sophie Weihmann, January 16, 2019)

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